Kim Ownby, Licensed Massage & ELT/ALT Therapist

My name is Kim Ownby. I’m a native of Nashville and have been working as a licensed massage therapist for the past 15 years and as a lymphatic therapist for the past two years. I am happily married to a high school teacher with four gorgeous kids, and I certainly enjoy helping others find peace and healing in their walks of this crazy, beautiful life. I am A lymphatic enthusiast and am on a mission to help others stay on the preventative side for their health and well-being.

Gabrielle Calhoun, Licensed Massage Therapist, Arvigo® Practitioner

My name is Gabrielle Calhoun, and I’m a native of Nashville. I've been working as a licensed massage therapist for over 10 years, practicing cupping massage for 3 years, and am a certified Arvigo® practitioner. Massage therapy is my passion! I work intuitively utilizing advanced techniques to provide a thoroughly therapeutic and individualized experience, assisting the client in healing.

Anna Jones, ELT Therapist

I’m Anna Baskin, a native of Nashville, and I am married to my wonderful husband, Chris. I have loved serving women in the Nashville area as a Labor and Postpartum Doula for the past six years, as well as getting the opportunity to offer women’s health education and Doula care in North India and the Philippines. It has been so wonderful to add Electro Lymphatic Therapy to my set of skills, and I was so thankful to learn about its benefits. I’m looking forward to serving you and your family in this way!

Kristin Streeter, ELT Therapist

My Name is Kristin Streeter.  I’m a Nashville native & married to a chef for one of the city’s most successful food trucks; together, we have four beautiful children!  Having battled my own debilitating health crisis from toxic mold illness and Lyme Disease, I’ve developed a passion for helping others on their detox journey as they seek ways to support their lymphatic & immune systems. I view health as holistic and love seeing people feel empowered to improve their overall well-being.

The Soma Team