Maya Abdominal Therapy
Maya Abdominal Therapy is an external, non-invasive abdominal manipulation to guide organs into optimal position while restoring hemodynamics, lymph, nerve, and energy throughout your body. Maya Abdominal Therapy restores organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen, creating better health for the mind, body, and spirit to return to homeostasis.

Would I benefit from Maya Abdominal Therapy?
Maya Abdominal Therapy helps relieve core tension and restore digestive and reproductive health balance. It moves and improves chi, blood, nerve, & lymphatic flow within the belly. The belly and lower back/hip/sacral area receive hands-on treatment. Clients learn how to do their daily self-care massage, helping them achieve the best results.
Benefits of Maya Abdominal Therapy
Tilted or prolapsed uterus or bladder
PMS: Including menstrual cramps, depression, low backache
Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
Painful menstruation and ovulation
Ovarian cysts
Uterine fibroids
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Recurrent bladder or yeast infections
Perimenopause and menopause
Mild prostatitis (frequent, painful, and difficult urination, incomplete evacuation of urine, pain in low back)
Prostate swelling
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Male impotence and erectile dysfunction (depending on the causes)
Chronic headaches/migraines
Common digestive disorders, such as reflux and heartburn
Increasing general energy levels
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Crohn’s Disease (reduces symptoms)
Chronic constipation
Chronic low back pain
Restricted breathing due to tension

Have Questions?
Maya Abdominal Therapy can benefit men or women who are on any healing journey at any age. This therapy was intelligently designed to consider a wide aray of different symptoms and conditions. With the understanding that the benefits are increasing the flow of blood (arterial and venous), lymph, nerves, and energy/emotions, there isn’t a person that wouldn’t benefit.
Each individual has different constitutions, habits, and lifestyles; therefore, sessions are tailored to your needs. After the initial session, I recommend monthly follow-up sessions until you reach your goal. Or you may choose to follow your intuition and listen to your body for when it is time to return. After the initial appointment, you are equipped with the abdomen self-care routine to continue the benefits of this work by loving and connecting with your body. *Those who are on a fertility journey often require more sessions*
You will learn how to do your belly massage at home in the initial session, it is recommended to do the self-care routine daily! This valuable skill will allow you to take charge of your healing journey with the intention loving and connecting with your body. Research shows that those who do their home/self-care belly massage are more likely to increase the rate of improvement, with more significant results!

Maya Abdominal Therapy Sessions:
The initial session is 2.5 hours; we will go over your health history; I will provide an intake form for you to fill out before your appointment to bring with you. While we review your intake form, you will receive a castor oil pack treatment before the hands-on portion of the session; the pack is yours to take for home use. Next, you will receive the complete hands-on treatment, including abdominal, back, low back, sacrum, and glutes. The session will end with me teaching you the self-care techniques to do at home; doing this work on yourself will be necessary to achieve the best results.
The number of sessions required will depend on your end goal; everyone is different, and some may need more while others do not need as many; this will look like 4-6 total; they can be monthly or closer together based on your budget/schedule. In a 90 min follow-up session, you will have a choice between another castor oil pack treatment or vaginal steam. Meanwhile, I will read you a meditation to bring you to your center, proceed with the complete ATMAT treatment, and briefly review the self-care routine at the end. Or you can opt out of either supportive therapy and receive the hands-on treatment in a 60 min session.
First six weeks Postpartum
Within 12 weeks of any Abdominal Surgery
When taking pain medications
When an infection is present within the body
If you have an IUD
Maya Abdominal Therapy Supports Pregnancy
If you've had issues becoming or staying pregnant or are just looking to optimize your health and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. It is often congestion, lack of circulation, or a uterus that needs repositioning that inhibits our ability to conceive. Whatever the exact cause, Maya Abdominal Therapy has helped many women become pregnant.

“I didn’t know what to expect, but I was blown away by how such gentle intentional movements to my body would make me feel more relaxed than I have felt in ages. I thought that relaxation would only come with a standard massage, but this was perfect for anyone pregnant. It gave me a moment to connect with my baby, and Gabi’s knowledge of how to work the body made my nausea go away, and my stomach felt more settled than it has since I got pregnant. I wanted to cry at the end, just with the release my body felt from the tension and nausea because I had felt so sick for so long, and I finally had some relief. She even showed me how to do some of the movements on myself, which empowered me to better health!”
-Breann C
What people are saying about Maya Abdominal Therapy…
“I’ve seen Gabi where she taught me how to do Mayan massage at home daily, castor oil pack, and vaginal steam…I was trying to balance hormones and didn’t think about how a side effect might be fertility. TMI, but we had sex 1x at the end of my fertile window and ended up pregnant.
When we were trying to conceive my firstborn, we would have sex on the day of ovulation or even every other day, and it took months to conceive him, so we were taken a bit off guard with this pregnancy..but in the best way!”
This stuff works! It’s pretty incredible, actually!
- Erin G.
I just had a maya massage appointment for my teenage daughter with Gabi. The entire experience, from start to finish, was beautiful—healing, informative, restoring, and peaceful. Gabi went above and beyond what I’d imagined in the session. She educated us, answered questions, and addressed fears with grace. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND booking an Arvigo massage NOW for you or any woman who needs healing.
-Tori R.
I loved my Maya Therapy experience with Gabrielle at Soma Wellness. I had heard of several women trying it and getting pregnant after their very next period, and once I read all the health benefits, I knew it would be important for me. I experienced a lot of physical cleansing through my next menstrual cycle and then conceived before my next period. One of my favorite parts was the emotional healing I felt. I could identify points of grief I was holding onto in my gut and pray through things in a new way. I felt more in touch with my body and more emotionally prepared to carry a little one inside. Gabby is very gifted, and I enjoyed the experience with her! I plan to do a follow-up after this pregnancy and before trying again.
-Anna J.

History of Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®
“The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® was founded on science and ancient traditions from ancient Maya healers, which shows in the sacredness of this work. Dr. Rosita Arvigo, an American naprapath, moved from Chicago to Belize and apprenticed with a Mayan Shaman, Don Elijio Panti. He was famous for his uterine massage techniques, healing ability, and extensive knowledge of rainforest plants. She also learned from Hortence Robinson, a well-known herbal midwife who shared her knowledge of caring for women during pregnancy. Rosita learned alongside these healers for over thirty years and developed ATMAT from her years of training. The techniques Rosita learned from these traditional healers were permitted to use and shared as long as they were honored and remembered. Arvigo® therapy addresses reproductive, digestive, and urinary challenges and gives clients tools for self-care to nurture and heal their bodies. Her techniques combine 21st-century science with traditional healing and wisdom to produce a holistic path to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
This treatment has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years; modern medicine often focuses on relieving symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. Ancient healers felt this technique helped address the primary cause of female and male complaints, preventing the progression of symptoms to chronic disease and allowing the body to use its innate ability to self-heal. For example, if a woman's uterus shifts or a man’s prostate swells, it can potentially restrict
blood flow, lymph, nerve impulses, and energy (chi) through the abdomen. Ancient Maya healers felt this was the leading cause of many typical female and male reproductive-oriented, digestive and urinary issues, and various seemingly unrelated ailments. In ancient times, no healing was complete without an abdominal massage.”
The history of Arvigo, written by Kari Jenkins of Womenkind Massage