Why I do what I do


My name is Kimberly A. Ownby and I love helping people. I went on a mission trip to East Africa when I was 18 years old and saw such great need while abroad. I wanted to come back to the states and ready myself to be someone who could help people. I enrolled in two institutes: one was to learn the bible and the second was massage therapy. I knew learning both the bible and massage therapy would help me know how to help people the best.

I learned so much at both institutes that I truly believe helped me become the therapist that I am today. I went to a therapeutically minded massage school here in Nashville and loved learning how amazing the body is! The body is so complex and capable of so many things. My favorite thing about massage school was that I knew I could help so many people feel better, be pain-free, learn, and connect their minds and body’s needs. I’ve been a licensed and state board-approved massage therapist for the past 15 years!

Over the last 3 years, I’ve become certified as an Electro Lymphatic Therapist. Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT), also known as, Assisted Lymphatic Therapy, that works with a microcurrent, lightwave, and 3 inert gases that help to detox your body by influencing the lymphatic system. I’ve been practicing this for the past 3 years at Soma Wellness, and I have witnessed this therapy help so many of my clients with fatigue, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, LYMES, Mold Symptoms, tonsillitis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, kidney/gallbladder issues, chronic infections, cancer, circulatory issues, and heart disease.

The reason I got into ELT was that I had a friend that was such a young, beautiful soul and in her prime stage of life received a devastating diagnosis of breast cancer. It was shocking for her and her family. I felt helpless as a friend because I couldn’t do more for her but pray and make her feel comfortable with massage (still a big help but I wanted to help MORE!). It sent me on a hunt to learn more about ELT and all the wonderful benefits that can help a person detox and get rid of all the toxins in our bodies that can make us feel so terrible and also a breeding ground for cancer cells.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to writing more helpful things for you to think about, include better health habits, and feel better by increasing your body’s health and wellness through massage and ELT services! See you soon!



“Feel It On the First!”